What is TURPS ® humate fertilizer?
Usage of humate fertilizers is expected to revolutionize the horticultural industry by enabling to tackle the main challenges the sector is currently facing, including stagnant efficiency, environmental unsustainability and constantly increasing costs.
In addition to faster growth of the plants, the advantages of using humate fertilizers in agricultural industry include reduced labor costs, reduced waste (contaminated water) generation, reduced health and safety risks, and environmental friendliness, providing opportunities for more sustainable and affordable farming.
Use of humate fertilizers allow increasing the productivity of crops 20-40% on the average. The products may be especially useful for agricultural use in extremal conditions, i. e. high temperature and low moisture areas. We are able to introduce special fertilizers or substrates for any plant group.
Efficiency of TURPS ® soil improver and humic fertilizer
Soluble humates like TURPS ® are the most important component of fertile soil. Humates are naturally produced by bacteria, but intensive farming results soil erosion accompanied with the decrease in soil humus and subsequent extra need for organic fertilizers. In case of lack of humates the soil loses its ability to bind water and plant nutrients what causes disability to provide the plants the essential growing media.
In presence of soluble humates in soil, the root system develops more rapidly, and special ferments form to improve the plants’ resistance to unfavorable conditions, such as drought and frost. These ferments also assist the process of nitrogen assimilability that does not lead to the formation of nitrates.
At the same time, the synthesis of chlorophyll, sugars, vitamins, essential amino-acids, and oils accelerates. For example, the penetration of potassium ions increases a hundred times.
TURPS ® soil improver and humate fertilizer is suitable for organic production
Although the concept of importance of humates has been hovering around for some time now, only recently the actual use of humate fertilizers and its adaption into the horticultural industry is starting to become a reality.
In addition to faster growth of the plants, the advantages of using humate fertilizers in agricultural industry include reduced labor costs, reduced waste (contaminated water) generation, reduced health and safety risks, and environmental friendliness, providing opportunities for more sustainable and affordable farming.
Nowadays the humates are produced chemically from different coals and the process produces large amount of residues. They are quite expensive and because of it the usage of them is currently limited. Our products are produced from peat using special technology and using only natural products as the raw materials.
Conversion of natural humic acids into their salts is provides using ammonia present in poultry manure what sharply increases (over hundred times) their biological activity. The process has zero residues.
Thus, using TURPS gets us faster growth of plants, increase of crops and the reliable protection for plants and crops against harmful admixtures from our environment (soil, subsoil waters, rain water, and the atmosphere), which is more polluted each day. It also protect crops from unfavorable environmental factors (drought, etc.).
By using TURPS ®, you offer the best food for your plants, and through this you also offer your customers healthy food
The product is suitable for various plants, vegetables, flowers, berry bushes, trees etc. The approximate cost per plant for vegetables, bushes and trees is approximately 6-10 EURO cents.
Increase of the yield is 30-100 percent as a result of previous tests, depending on the plant. No residues are generated during the production and use of the product- the best example of a circular economy! The product has significant properties for restoring and increasing soil fertility.