Nordfert LIQUID Micro Nutrients fertilizers

Comprehensive range of fertilizers with nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K) in different ratios. Formulations cover all growth stages from emergence to ripening.
Our LIQUID micro nutriens is a new product that has been created to help farmers produce large quantities of crops. No more expensive fertilizers or pesticides!LIQUID micro nutriens is a new product that has been created to help farmers produce large quantities of crops. This innovative technology utilizes patented microbial solutions that are placed in the water. The microbes will then take care of the rest, providing nutrients for your plants and making sure they are thriving. No more expensive fertilizers or pesticides – this one-time purchase pays for itself! LIQUID micro nutriens is a great way to have an abundant harvest without breaking the bank. Your farm will be flourishing with these microbes!
Packing: 1000 L, 20 L, 5 L.
Recommended water amount: field crops – 150-300 L/ha,
greenhouses/garden – 150-300 L/ha.